SHEETWorx reaches into Excel worksheets and places cell values within CAD templates. It can position CAD Blocks at predetermined locations and populate attributes with worksheet data providing the ability to data drive graphics too.

Please download an evaluation if you are manually drafting any of these drawing types:
- LOOP drawings
- Terminal block diagrams
- Power distribution diagrams
- One/Single line diagrams
- IO schematic diagrams
Since SHEETWorx was designed to tap into existing Excel worksheets, this gives users the confidence in making a few necessary modifications to drive their drawing templates needs.
Combine data-driven attributes within CAD blocks and there is very little doubt users will be producing higher quality files. Overall drawing quality will increase since users are no longer transferring data manually from worksheets to drawings.
Organizing data in a manner to produce drawings will inherently streamline design efforts since everyone will be working with the same templates/ CAD blocks and worksheets.
Drafting 2D drawings consumes countless project hours, so consider letting SHEETWorx leverage your existing worksheets to produce drawings and help cut down on those drafting hours. If assistance is needed configuring worksheets and drawings, ECE offers highly skilled resources who can setup and configure your SHEETWorx needs.
Let’s talk about your requirements today!