When people login, great things happen!

SOCKETWorx Enterprise
An Information Technology web application digitizing projects and facilities for
design, engineering, and operating companies.
Connects stakeholders to industrial process plant process, mechanical,
electrical and controls information.
It provides a wide array or microservices for data, datasheets, and document processing.
Integrates with Reality Capture to navigate high definition scans and to geotags.

View Module
Free with Enterprise and allows stakeholders to view data, datasheets, & PDF files.

Inspects CADWorx project files to provide total visibility their contents while finding errors and ommisions.
We’ve been using this tool to improve piping spec quality for years.

MOC Module
A document change order system that associates and centralizes primary documents, data, markups and reference files.
Keeps track of change order progress and the time it is taking to complete them.

360 Module
Integrate with Leica TruView Enterprise so user can navigate into laser scanworlds and land on GeoTags from SOCKETWorx.

PDF Export Module
Exports PDF file with all SOCKETWrox Markup