CADWorx Plant Professional 2015: Importing Legacy Specifications
CADWorx 2015: Catalog Creation
- Once the New Catalog has been created, click the Catalog Data button located on the Ribbon below in Figure 3. This will open the Transfer Catalog Data dialog window and an automatic prompt will pop up asking “Would you like to use the current catalog for target?”. Select Yes.
- As shown in Figure 4 below, There will be two Directory Boxes at the top of the window: Target and Source.
- Target will be filled out automatically because of the “yes” selection at the autoprompt.
- Source is empty so it need’s to be specified and the out-of-the-box CADWorx catalog will be used here. (See Source Directory in the image below for CADWorx Catalog location.)
Once the Source Catalog has been specified, both the Source and Target windows will be filled with the Table Folders. Since the Target Catalog is brand new, there will be nothing in any of the table folders. Expand the Table Folders that are required and select the tables that will be used. In this situation, expand the Size, Material, Schedule, and Thickness Folders and choose each table inside. Once selected, drag them over to the Target Catalog (anywhere in the Target window box), save the Target Catalog, and press close. (See Figure 4)
- Now click the Import by Spec button on the Ribbon. This will bring the Import CADWorx Legacy Catalog from Spec File dialog window up. (See Figure 5)
- There will be four Source locations that can be specified as shown in Figure 6:
- Specification File: This will be the legacy specification file that is to be used for the new catalog that is being created.
- Library Folder: This is the folder where the legacy library folders are located that are to be used for the new catalog that is being created.
- Topworks Folder: If there is any Topworks being imported then this is the location they will be imported from. The default is the 2014 CADWorx Spec folder and does not need to change if there aren’t any that need to be imported.
- DataBaseCodes File: If there are any Database Codes being imported then this is the location they will be imported from but can be left blank if there aren’t any to be used.
Once all Sources have been selected, check the Select / deselect all button in the bottom right to select all the data files and then press the import button. If more specification files are needed, browse one by one, select all the date files required and click the import button. (See Figure 6)
- Once all of the specification files that are required have been imported, press close. Save the Catalog that has been created and that will be the last step in creating a new catalog.
CADWorx 2015: Project File Creation
CADWorx 2015: Importing the Legacy Specification to the New Project File
- Once the new Project File has been created, click the Import Legacy Specification button located on the Ribbon. (See Figure 9 below)
- In the Import Legacy Specifications dialog window, there will be two directory paths to select: Specification and Catalog.
- Specification will be the legacy specification that is being imported.
- Catalog is greyed out because the Catalog was specified earlier.
- Once the specification is selected, press Import and it will convert the data to the project. If more than one specification is needed in the Project, press Close and repeat process by clicking the Import Legacy Specification button and choosing the next specification. (See Figure 10)
CADWorx 2015: Importing the Legacy Specification EndType Cleanup
After the specified legacy specification has been imported, the Specification Editor will automatically create end type tables for all of the legacy library data files. Open up the Catalog and expand the EndType Tables in the Catalog Data window and then expand one of the six options (See Figure 11 below).
Since each EndType Table was created based on the different Data Tables, they will need to be consolidated into a single EndType table for each class. In this case, the 150lb class Flanged end types will be consolidated into one table. Rather than creating a new EndType Table and adding every size, choose the table that has the largest range of sizes in use and rename it to a basic name (FLG_150 in this case). Then, add the missing sizes required by right-clicking on the MAINSIZE column and choosing “Add MAINSIZE…” (See Figure 12 below).
Once the sizes are added, fill in the empty columns for the new sizes by either manually entering them or copying them from a different EndType Table. Now that the EndType Tables have been consolidated, the corresponding Data Tables need to match. Expand the Data Tables in the Catalog Data window and open up the the data tables that match the newly created EndType Tables. In this situation, the Valve Data Tables all tie together with the EndType Tables (See Figure 13 below).
Once each Data Table is opened, select the Start dropdown in the Default EndType Data Table Setup and choose the correct EndType Table (See Figure 14 below). After all of the corresponding Data Tables have been updated to the combined EndType Table, remove the unused EndType Tables by right clicking on each and selecting Remove.
Once all of the specifications have been imported, EndType Tables combined, and Data Tables updated to the correct EndType Table, the Catalog and Project can be saved and that concludes the Spec Conversion for both Catalog and Project.