Our first foray into P&ID’s is our oldest and most complete product – DBWorx. DBWorx attacks the P&ID’s from the database side of the equation. It is what I would term data-centric. DBWorx provides the interface to get “what you want out of your Intelligent P&IDs”. For P&IDs within the CAD Environment, ECE has developed and continues to develop LINKWorx.
Our first design effort was to connect the CADWorx Plant Environment to the CADWorx P&ID Data within the CAD Environment. The connection between the two packages is based on the Tag. A Tag in the P&ID is the same in the Piping Model and finding the P&ID Component in the 3D Piping Model should be just as easy – and now it is!
As always, requests kept coming and out of all our enhancements in this release of the Worx Plugins, LINKWorx does have the most intriguing – P&ID Line Tracing.
Add Groups to LINKWorx, Add Lines to Groups and click on a Group or a specific Line…SEE THE RESULTS…

Like all ECE Worx Products, LINKWorx works with X-References seamlessly. Create Tracing Models “as-needed” easily by leveraging X-Refs.
Before you ask, yes, we are working on highlighting groups of Valves and Instruments!
Contact Us to schedule a demo today! Existing users should update as soon as possible! Click Here for Download Links.