PV Elite 2016 Service Pack 1 (Version has been released and can be found on the Intergraph Smart Support Website.
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- Select PV Elite.
- Select Service Packs and Fixes.
- Select the download icon or the file link of the Service Pack.
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PV Elite 2016 Service Pack 1: Revisions in PV Elite and CodeCalc 2016, SP1
User Interface/Graphics
- Fixed an issue in CodeCalc in which you were unable to select a material from the PD 5500
material database when performing an Annex G nozzle analysis. Previously in the WRC 297
component, if you selected PD 5500 Annex G on the WRC 297 tab, the software did not
update with your material selection in Vessel Material. The software now properly updates the
material properties when changing the selection in Vessel Material. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software did not properly plot a child nozzle. Previously,
the software did not properly plot child nozzles when the parent nozzle was a hillside nozzle.
The issue has been resolved and the layout angle of a child nozzle is properly plotted on a
parent hillside nozzle. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the layout angle of a nozzle did not accurately display on the
Quick Results dialog. Previously, when you entered a value in Layout Angle on the Nozzle
Input/Analysis dialog, the layout angle value remained 0 on the Quick Results dialog. The
issue has been resolved, and the correct nozzle layout angle displays on the Quick Results
dialog. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software did not graphically display reinforcing pads for
certain vessel leg types. Previously, when you created vessel legs with reinforcing pads in
which the Section Identifier option was a Single Angle type, the pads did not graphically
display on the 3D model. The issue has been fixed, and reinforcing pads display on the 3D
model for all leg types. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software reset inputs for certain fields on the Heat
Exchanger Tubesheet Input dialog. Previously, when you entered data in Tube Weld Joint
Type and Allowable Joint Load Method on the Tube Data tab of the Heat Exchanger
Tubesheet Input dialog, the software reset the data if you accessed the Spherical Cover /
Backing Ring tab. The issue has been resolved, and the software retains user inputs
throughout building the vessel. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software did not allow you to model legs with a certain
shape type. Previously, when you selected a leg in which the Section Identifier field contained
an Unknown Shape type, the software encountered an error when attempting to close the Leg
Dialog. The issue has been resolved and the software models legs of any type. - Fixed an issue with opening certain PV Elite files. Previously, PV Elite would crash when you
attempted to open a *.pvdb file by double-clicking it from Windows Explorer. The issue has
been resolved, and you can now open .pvdb files using the double-click method.
Material Updates
- Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which there was an incorrect allowable stress value for a material
listing. Previously, the 1968 version of the material database contained an incorrect allowable
stress value for material SA 516 Grade 55 Listing 1. The issue has been resolved and the
database contains the correct allowable stress value.
- Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software did not calculate the correct weight of lining on
a cone. Previously, if you added lining to a cone, the software calculated the same weight for
the lining, regardless of the lining specifications. The software now properly calculates the
weight of lining on a cone according to the designated specifications. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite regarding an incorrect nozzle geometry limit for WRC 297 nozzle
analysis. Previously, when analyzing a nozzle per WRC 297, the software incorrectly generated
a warning when the Dn/Tn ratio value was less than 20. Per the bulletin, the Dn/Tn ratio cannot
be less than 10. The software has been updated to accurately reflect the Dn/TN ratio warning. - Fixed an incorrect internal pressure calculation in PV Elite. Previously, the software incorrectly
calculated the head design pressure for Type 2 jacketed vessels. The software has been
updated and correctly calculates the head design pressure as the sum of the design internal
pressure and jacket external pressure. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite regarding nozzle properties for a nozzle connected to another nozzle.
When a nozzle is connected to another nozzle the child nozzle should inherit the properties of
the parent nozzle. Previously, when a child nozzle was connected to a parent nozzle, the child
nozzle inherited the external corrosion allowance value from the parent shell and not the parent
nozzle. The issue has been resolved, and the child nozzle inherits the appropriate properties
from its parent nozzle. - Fixed an error that occurred in PV Elite when analyzing a U-Tube heat exchanger. Previously
during the analysis of certain U-Tube heat exchangers, an issue with MAWP calculations
caused an unexpected error and the analysis was aborted. The issue has been resolved. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software calculated different values for the MAWP and
MAPnc (maximum allowable pressure new and cold) under certain conditions. For example,
when a vessel has a temperature of 20°C and no corrosion, the MAWP and MAPnc of the
vessel flange should be the same, though the software calculated different values. The issue
has been resolved. - Updated PV Elite to calculate the weight of saddles more accurately. Previously, PV Elite did
not consider the size of the ribs when calculating the weight, causing the software to
overestimate the saddle weight by approximately 30 percent. The software has been updated
and PV now considers the different sizes of the ribs to determine a more accurate saddle
weight. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite by removing the units from the Thickness Correction Factor Ce per
EN 13445 value on the Fatigue Analysis report. Previously, the thickness correction factor
value displayed with a unit of measure, but based on paragraph of EN 13445, the
thickness correction factor (Ce) does not have a unit of measure. The issue has been resolved. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software incorrectly calculated the channel side MAWP
of a stepped tubesheet heat exchanger. The issue has been resolved and the software now
correctly uses the tubesheet bending stress to determine the channel side MAWP. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software did not consider user-defined values for the
Weight/Piping Dialog for a certain case. Previously, when you selected HydroTest Case on
the Weight/Piping Dialog, the software did not apply the user-defined values in the Load
Combination Results for Q + Wind equation on the Horizontal Vessel Analysis (Test)
report. The issue has been resolved, and the software includes the user-defined weight and
piping values for all cases. - Updated PV Elite to analyze large nozzles governed by external pressure according to ASME
Section VIII, Division 1 Appendix 1-7. If you select Use 1-10 in ASME Large Nozzle Calc
Options on the Load Cases tab, when the software analyzes a large nozzle governed by
external pressure, the software automatically analyzes the nozzle according to Appendix 1-7 as
well. A new Reinforcement Areas for Large Nozzle (Per App 1-7(a)) section displays on the
Nozzle Calcs report and the Quick Results Dialog for the applicable nozzles. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software used the wrong MAWP value to determine the
MDMT of channel shells when designing a heat exchanger. Previously, if you selected Use
MAWP to Calculate MDMT on the Configuration dialog and entered values in the User
Defined MAWP fields on the Tubesheet Type and Design Code tab of the Heat Exchanger
Tubesheet Input dialog, the software incorrectly used the calculated MAWP instead of the
user-defined MAWP in MDMT calculations. The issue has been resolved, and the software
correctly uses the user-defined MAWP values in applicable calculations. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite which the software did not use the hub thickness when calculating
the area for the nozzle wall of hub type nozzles. Previously, when calculating the Area
Available in Nozzle Projective Outward [A2] calculation on the Nozzle Calcs report, the
software used the Actual Thk value instead of the Hub Thickness value from the Nozzle
Input/Analysis dialog. The issue has been resolved and the software now uses the correct
thickness value for the area calculations. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software incorrectly calculated the hydrostatic test
pressure calculations for UG 99(c). Previously, the software incorrectly ignored the hydrostatic
head value in the hydrostatic pressure calculations. The issue has been resolved and the
Internal Pressure Calculations report displays the correct pressure results in the Hydrostatic
Test Pressure Results section. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software used an incorrect fmin value when calculating
the tube-to-tubesheet joint stress for welded joint types according to EN-13445-3. The issue
has been resolved and the software now uses the minimum of the allowable tube stress and the
allowable tubesheet stress to determine the correct fmin value. - Fixed an issue in CodeCalc in which the software selected the incorrect value for Intermediate
Value [k] for a cone analysis. The software is to select the maximum of two values (a
calculated value and 1), but previously, would occasionally incorrectly select the minimum of
the two values. The issue has been resolved. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software incorrectly calculated a value in the formula for
determining the credit height of certain nozzles. Previously, the software incorrectly calculated
the value of L in the Credit Height for each Nozzle Outside formula on the Nozzle Summary
report. The issue has been resolved and the software now correctly calculates the L value. - Fixed an issue in CodeCalc in which the software incorrectly calculated the membrane stress at
the long-side corner of a rectangular vessel when you select A2 in Figure Number for Type of
Vessel. The issue has been resolved and the software correctly calculates the final value of
Membrane Stresses at Long-side Corner on the Rectves Analysis output report.
Output Reports
- Updated CodeCalc to reference Table UG-79-1 for percentage elongation calculations.
Previously, the Nozzle Analysis report referenced section UHA-44 for equations used to
calculate forming strains. With the update to the ASME code, those equations were moved to
Table UG-79-1. The software now references the correct location of those equations. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which an output report contained an incorrect note. Previously, the
software contained differing notes identifying the controlling case for the Axial Load on the
Baseplate calculation on both the Open Leg Check, (Operating Case) and Open Leg Check
(Filled w/Water) output reports. The issue has been resolved and the Wind + Empty case is
noted as the controlling case for the calculation on both reports. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which a nozzle equation for EN 13445 did not display properly on
the Nozzle Calcs report. Previously, the nozzle equation, Credit Distance along the Shell per
9.5.1 did not include the second condition for calculating a minimum value for this credit. The
software has been updated to display both conditions for the equation. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which an output report displayed the incorrect element governing
the vessel MAWP. Previously on the Internal Pressure Calculations output report, for certain
cases the software correctly calculated the governing MAWP value, but attributed it to the
incorrect element. The issue is now resolved, and the software correctly displays the element
which governs the vessel MAWP. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software incorrectly calculated the required thickness of
a shell welded to a flat head. Previously, when calculating the required thickness of a shell
welded to a flat head, the software incorrectly doubled the value of the corrosion allowance.
The issue has been resolved and the software correctly calculates and displays the required
thickness of the shell element in the Element Required Thickness and MAWP section of the
Internal Pressure Calculation output report. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the calculated value of the shell MAWP did not match the
formula displayed on the output report. Previously, the software correctly ignored the user-
defined joint efficiency value when calculating the shell MAWP according to the rules of UG-34
sketch (h), though the value still displayed in the formula on the Internal Pressure
Calculations output report. The issue was resolved by displaying a note on the Internal
Pressure Calculations report indicating that user-defined values display in the formula;
however, they are ignored in the calculation, and the final result is properly calculated according
to the rules of UG-34 sketch (h). - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software incorrectly switched the allowable stress values
for certain load cases when analyzing vessel legs for EN 13445. Previously, when analyzing
vessel legs for the EN 13445 code, the software incorrectly switched the allowable stress
values for the Operating and Filled w/Water cases. The problem has been resolved and you
can verify the correct allowable stress values on the Leg Check, (Operating Case) and Leg
Check, (Filled w/Water) output reports. - Updated the nozzle/clip design pressure output string on an output report in PV Elite. Updated
the Input Echo report to display the full name of the Nozzle/Clip Design Pressure options
from the Load Cases tab. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which the software displayed the incorrect result for the Factor for
Pressure Effect on Tubes – Equation 13.9.3-5 calculation. The EN TS Calc output report
displayed the correct formula for the calculation but the final result was incorrect. The issue has
been resolved. - Fixed an issue in PV Elite in which asterisks displayed instead of numbers for figures too large
to display on output reports. The issue was resolved by displaying large figures in scientific