Intergraph CADWorx and Analysis Software Development continues to excel. Any new features in the queue or reported issues in the CADWorx and Analysis Software lineup are quickly released to the customer base with either a Hot Fix, Service Pack or Revision to maintain the ‘Production Ready’ Moniker!
The latest release is CADWorx fieldPIPE Professional 2013 R1 including the following features, functions and fixes:
Added Insulation Thickness to CloudWorx Palette
It is now possible to enter insulation thickness in the CADWorx fieldPipe – CloudWorx Professional Interface palette. If you enter an insulation value of 0.0, then the pipe is drawn at the actual size. If the insulation is larger than 0.0, then the pipe radius is calculated as the actual radius minus the insulation. Enter the insulation size in the Insulation box as shown below.
Fixed Language Display on Ribbon
Previously, the ribbon would only show the English language when the program was set to a different language. This has been fixed in SP1 so that the ribbon displays in the selected language.
Fixed Crashing for Saves to Desktop
When saving a fieldPipe drawing to the desktop, the program no longer crashes.
Fixed Using Fence when Inserting Valves
You are now able to use a fence to insert a valve on the point cloud in the drawing when using Insert a valve in the CADWorx fieldPipe – CloudWorx Professional Interface. Previously, you had to use a single pick and the fence would not select the piping.
Fixed Licencing for Cyclone
You can now access Cyclone utilities on the CADWorx fieldPipe ribbon. Utilities, such as Configure Databases, now work correctly.
Please contact ECE Support if you have not received your update!