After our CADWorx Plant Bolting Done Right Training Webinar we received a few questions that I would like to share the answers to. Since that time CADWorx 2016 was officially released and there are a few enhancements I would like to discuss with you on as well, but first, here are the questions.
- Where can I find this Training webinar as well as others? Our Training Webinars can be found on our site at: http://www.ecedesign.com/cadworx-analysis-training-videos/cadworx-plant-professional-training-videos/. ECE customers who are registered have access to our training videos as well as previously recorded non-training webinars. In addition, we have posted short overviews of the videos on our YouTube Channel.
- Is the component class the only thing tying the components together? CADWorx also looks to make sure the end conditions match, like face of flange cannot connect to buttweld end of pipe.
- Are the bolt length units defined by the data tables? I am having conflicting units in the BOM from ISOGEN. Check these settings in IConfigure or option switch 65 in Project Manager:

- Do you have to have lb at the end of component class for it to match up with the appropriate component? No it is not needed at all, and if you don’t have it in there your flanges will connect better to CADWorx Equipment.
- Just to verify, the option to turn the bolt length calculation off is only available in 2016? While no calc bolts are only available in 2016, its not really an option to turn it off, more or less a new bolt style that won’t be calculated. Watch the video in the link below demonstrating this new bolt style.
- What if you have a flangeless wafer style where bolts span the length of the 2 flanges + face to face of valve, (2) gaskets? Wafer component bolts are automatically calculated. CADWorx will take the components in between the flanges and add up the distances including all gaskets, then give one overall length. Just make sure your wafer component is set to use a wafer end type.Components in the middle must have a wafer end type on both ends, with up to two component max, being allowed.

- How are bolts length calculated for lugged butterfly with different flange thickness on each end? For this, you would need to create an end type for lug start and lug end. Like this:

Then on your lugged butterfly, set the end types as such:

CADWorx 2016 Bolting Enhancements
- In addition to the release of the Flange Bolting Done Right Training Video, ECE produced a followup Training video for CADWorx 2016 Bolting Enhancements. This video can be found on our site at: http://www.ecedesign.com/cadworx-analysis-training-videos/cadworx-plant-professional-training-videos/. ECE customers who are registered have access this video.
No Calc Bolts
No calculation bolts are available in 2016. These bolts can be created by using a zero type in the catalog. As you can see below, I have assigned a 0 in the type column. The value in the LEN column will be the length shown in the model regardless of the NUTTHK, EXT, or TOL columns. Please note type 0 bolts only apply to machine bolts. (ie only one nut)

User Shape Bolting
The Define User Shape dialog has undergone a make over as you can see below. In CADWorx Plant 2016 we now have the ability to select our own end types instead of generic choices like; BW, SW, THRD, or FLG end types. Now each connection point of your user shape can be assigned to one of your end type tables from your catalog. This greatly increases the number and types of components you can create as a user shape.
We understand bolting can be a difficult process. We hope you have found some valuable information in the videos and this post, but if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask. We are here to help.
Thank you